Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Monday, November 27, 2006

27 November 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

Around 2pm we heard transients in Blackfish Sound.
27 Nov 2006 16:00:21 PST

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

22 November 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

It has been a rather uneventful day except we did have a report from Stubbs Island that a group of transients were in the Queen Charlotte Strait/Blackfish Sound area this morning.
22 Nov 2006 23:07:46 PST

Saturday, November 11, 2006

11 November 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

We just heard from the MacKays that there are about a dozen whales in Beaver Cove foraging. So this means that besides the A30s, who were east of Beaver Cove until recently, there are other groups in the Strait as well. Exciting!
11 Nov 2006 10:59:21 PST

Distant calls audible.

We started to record at 4:15pm soon after the first clear A30 call in Johnstone Strait. The A30s are now on both the Critical Point and Cracroft systems, perhaps heading east. We also had another two reports about other orcas. At noon, a group was seen heading west past Ledge Point near Port McNeill. Also, a lone male was seen at the top end of Blackfish Sound just before noon. Tempting to think that these whales were transients.
11 Nov 2006 17:18:20 PST