Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Nov. 17
T103 was in Becher Bay (west of Race Rocks) Tuesday afternoon.
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria B.C.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Nov. 16
Had the T046's this afternoon east bound along the shoreline of Vancouver Island west of Race Rocks. Strong south-west winds and heavy rain made for a brief encounter.
Mark Malleson, Victoria B.C.

Nov. 16
I am reporting the sighting of 6 or perhaps 7 Orca on Monday November 16, 2009 about 1/2 mile NNE of Race Rocks, British Columbia. The Orca were all female with 1 yearling calf. When first contacted the Orca were swirling in a feeding pattern but I did not see any sign of mammals on the surface so I am assuming these animals were residents.
The Orca stayed in one area and then moved away at a high rate of speed (~10 NMPH) moving in dolphin fashion rather than their normal movement. After moving for about 5 minutes they again swirled for several minutes and then moved away again and again at a high rate of speed. Direction of movement was NNE towards Constance Bank but we did not follow them that far.
Contact time was 1510 - 1530. We were in pouring rain the entire 20 minutes we were with the Orca. Surface was choppy with occasional whitecaps. Saw 3 spy hops. No photographs were taken.
And an update:
Yesterday (November 16) I reported contacting 6 or 7 Orcas NNE of Race Rocks, Victoria. I speculated that these were resident Orcas. In conversation with another driver today I was informed that they were only 5 Orcas and they were the T46 pod. The other driver had been with this pod earlier in the day as they moved east from Beacher Bay. He left the Orcas as they entered Race Passage as this is a no-go area for whale watching boats. I had the good fortune to contact the pod as they came out the other side of Race Passage. Sincerely,
Submitted by James Cosgrove, M.Sc., Driver/Biologist of Fastide, SpringTide Whale Watching, Victoria, B.C.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

U38 & U39, T103, T049As

Transient orca
having lunch
Victoria, B.C.
November 10, 2009
Photo by
Mark Malleson

Nov. 10
U38 and U39 were off of Victoria again all day today taking out seals. I saw at least 7 seal kills throughout the day. They led me to T103 and the T049A's who were in the process of digesting a prey item themselves.
Mark Malleson

Sunday, November 08, 2009

U38 & U39

Transient orcas
U38 & 39
Victoria, B.C.
November 8, 2009
Photo by
Mark Malleson

Novv. 8
Had Transient orcas U38 and U39 once again off of Victoria (see above photo) on Sunday afternoon (11/8). They took out at least 5 seals within 2 hours. I left them at dark headed back towards Race Rocks.
Mark Malleson, Independent Tsearch

Nov. 8
Jeff LaMarche of Eagle Wing whale watch tours called at 3:15 pm to report they were with California Transient orcas U38 & U39, 2.5 miles east of Race Rocks. The whales were heading NE toward Victoria, B.C.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

T103 and T49s

Nov. 7
I see you have reports from Nov.08 but no Nov.07. T103 and his group of T49's were off Race Rocks at 1550 Nov.07 going S.W.
Ron Bates, MMRG, Victoria, B.C.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

T103s, T49s, U38 & U39

Transient Orcas
U38 & U39
Race Rocks, B.C.
Nov. 3, 2009
Photo by
Adam U

Nov. 3
Mark Malleson, Pina Gruden (from Morigenos, a Slovenian non-profit marine mammal research and conservation society), and I joined Mark on Gonzales lookout in Victoria and saw blows towards Race Rocks, followed by another group closer to the Victoria waterfront. We launched and after a quick search we encountered U38 and U39 (U stands for "Unknown" since these animals have yet to be confirmed members of the west coast T community) swimming towards T103 and T49A group who were exhibiting typical post-kill behaviour. The two groups got to within 300m of each other but never mixed. We ended the encounter approximately an hour after first contact. That's about it! Have fun,
-Ada U

Nov. 3
T103, T49's U38 and U39 off Victoria this afternoon, just a few miles South of the harbor mouth.When last seen the U's were going to Race Rocks the rest just milling.
Ron Bates, MMRG, Victoria B.C.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

T103, T049As

Nov. 1
Found T103 with the T049A's again today (11/1), this time on the American side of the Juan de Fuca west of Crescent Bay east bound. I left them at 1345 on a line for Race Rocks. T103 has been spotted 5 out of the last 6 days in the vicinity of Victoria and the last 4 encounters has been with the T049A's.
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria B.C.