Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Friday, August 24, 2007

24 August, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

The day just gets busier. A group of transient (T46s +) who were first seen about an hour ago in Weynton Pass have turned up off cracroft Point heading east. Meanwhile, it appears that the A30s have picked up the rest of the I31s and are headed back east in Queen Charlotte Strait. The A36s never went as far as the A30s in Queen Charlotte Strait have been in range from time to time. And finally (?) the A12s who must have gone east and not followed the big group out to the west two nights ago, are on their way west in Johnstone Strait and have past the Eve River.
24 Aug 2007 13:39:19 PDT