Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Friday, July 24, 2009

Unknown transients in JS with A36s

Photo credit: Jackie Hildering

Stubbs Island Whale watching reports

This is the second day in a row that Nature has provided us the opportunity to see both "transient" (mammal-eating) and "resident " (fish-eating) killer whales in the same area. This was another group of transients though - 4 mature females and a calf that were extremely challenging to identify as individuals. At the time of this report, we are still scrutinizing the photos to try to conclude who they were. The opportunity to identify transients is of such interest that we have sent through the images to Dr. John Ford and Graeme Ellis who are currently conducting whale research with his team on the Coast Guard vessel the J.P. Tully.

It was interesting to see the transients change their dive patterns when the A36 matriline of fish-eating killer whales become vocal. The transients started taking much longer dives and seemed to move to stay clear of where the A36s were foraging. The transients did not appear to be interested in feeding as many (lucky) Dalls porpoises were in the area oblivious of the presence of the stealthy transients.

Orcalab reports
Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

The A36s with A12 carried on past critical Point and just now we have heard someone in on the Beaches. They may be turning back west from there. Also, a group of 5 transients went south in Blackney pass and entered Johnstone Strait by 2:10pm. They have gone east.
24 Jul 2009 14:57:29 PDT