Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

T018 and T019s

Seasmoke reports
It was a foggy morning that we headed out in and yet moment by moment the seascape was ever changing as land and forest emerged from the fog, appearing close along the shoreline and suddenly orcas were seen heading towards us. Two orcas were sighted initially, one being a male with a very broad fin leaning to the left and a female, two other orcas were sighted soon after. These orcas were identified as T018, T019, T019B & T019c; Transient Orcas who prey on marine mammals unlike those of the fish feeding Resident Orcas. The Transients headed into Blackfish Sound and we left them at this point,