Saturday, February 20, 2010
T030s, T172 & T14
Transient Orca T30 and a Harbor seal have a face off
(note seal's head above the water on left side of photo!)
Victoria, B.C., Feb. 17, 2010
Photo by Mark Malleson
The T030's and T172 (see photo above!) were off of Victoria all day again on February 17th. T014 was within a mile of them in the morning but continued on to the east and then north through Oak Bay in the afternoon (see photo above). Cheers,
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria B.C.
Transient orca
T14, "Pender"
Victoria, B.C.
Feb. 17, 2010
Photo by
Mark Malleson
Feb. 17
Transient orca T14, "Pender" off Victoria going East to Trial Island, 1117 today.
Ron Bates, MMRG, Victoria B.C.