August 13
After receiving the report below about orcas in Admiralty Inlet, we headed over to the west side of Whidbey Island to try to find them. At 7:05 pm we watched many Harbor porpoise feeding off Bush Pt, then at 7:15 pm we finally spotted a large fin & several small ones way across the inlet, just SE of Foulweather bluff. They were slowly working their way NW, with some direction changes & likely hunting behaviors noted. We saw 4 orcas total, including 1 adult male and a juvenile or calf. They remained on the other side of the inlet, but from our distant photos, Dave Ellifrit of the Center for Whale Research made a tentative/possible ID of the bull as T10B, based on fin shape. We watched the pod continue NW for an hour, at 8:15 pm they were nearing the SE end of Fort Flagler, still heading out.
Susan Berta & Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island