Transient sightings 2010

Transient sightings 2010 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Thursday, September 06, 2007

06 September 2007, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

A little bit handicapped last night with Critical Point down. However, there was movement. Just after midnight we had close A5 calls in the entrance of Blackney Pass. After a gap of 20 minutes we then began to hear A4s approach the entrance from the Johnstone Strait side. A group (the A4s?) travelled through Blackney to the north. Much later there was a brief but intense rub at the beaches. This morning, a male transient (T14) has been sighted off Weynton Island. Other blows have been sighted towards Blinkhorn, and T14 has turned toward this vocal group. Just now we are hearing distant transient calls continue in Johnstone Strait.(Critical is working again).
06 Sep 2007 09:22:32 PDT

No orcas present.

The transients were identified by Jared Towers as T14, T41, T44, and the T37s (who have not been seen very many times before). This group is past Port McNeill now andstill headed west. A wealth of humpbacks in the area. There is a steady count of 5 in the immediate area and probably others in Queen Charlotte Strait etc.
06 Sep 2007 13:45:58 PDT

No orcas present.

An amazingly uneventful rest of the day! There are whales still to the east although we had no updates today about what happened below. And no word about any resident activity to the west. The morning transients kept going west and the humpbacks kept going in circles. This day is almost done.
06 Sep 2007 23:11:21 PDT